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Club Fundamentals

Here you will find all of the Information you will need to get started in the ACWGC. These are the building blocks of Club Membership.




Here is where we go over what it means to be a Member of the ACWGC. We play using an Honor Code and a set of club-created rules to keep us all on a level field. We register our games in a central database so we can distribute points fairly for battles completed. We handle promotions for the non-General grades using an automated system but for the general grades a whole different system. Lastly, we also have individual game rules, combat rules, and forum usage to discuss. 


This may not be the most interesting information you have ever read in your life but it will make your transition into the Club go smoother and will answer many of the most asked questions by recruits. Each topic is broken down below in this training guide. 


Once you are done reading the information here you can feel free to head over to the Art of War area for further study or even test your skills over at the Study Hall. The Art of War area is where we start to build up your skills as an Officer and go over tactical and strategic matters. For even more information beyond what you learn at the Training Academy you can visit your side's War Library. Ask your instructor for the password as those areas are private areas and viewable only to those in your army group. 


Orientation​ -
Club Philosophy and Responsibilities


Club Rules​ -
Creating Standards of Conduct


Mustering​ -
Standing up to be Counted


Club Forums​ -
Communicating with the Club


The Opponent Finder​ -
Finding a Good Fight


Basic Optional Rule Information​ -
Understanding the Purpose of Optional Rules


Different Ways to Fight​ -
Battles, Maneuvers, and Other Games


Victory Dialog​ -
How Game Results are Determined


Promotions​ -
Climbing Up the Ranks


Starting a PBEM Game​ -
How to Get Started


Registering a Game at the Department of Records -
Creating a Dossier


Posting a Training Report -
Your First Forum Post


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