Training Academy

Victory Dialog
The Victory Dialog is used to view the current victory conditions. This is located on the top toolbar of the game under the “Info” drop down menu. It will look something like this:
To quote the User’s Guide:
Each scenario has a First Side determined by the Parameter Data of the current scenario. Victory conditions are always calculated relative to that side resulting in a victory level for that side. The victory level for the other side is the opposite result. For example, if the Union side is first and gets a Major Victory, then the Confederate side suffers a Major Defeat, and so forth. The total number of Objective Points for the first side is displayed. For each side, the Losses of each side in terms of Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Supply is listed together with the Point Loss corresponding to each type of loss. The point range associated with each victory level is displayed in the Victory Values field. The total points awarded to the First Side is based on the Objective Points held by that side, minus the Point Losses for that side, plus the Point Losses for the enemy side. This calculation results in the Total Points value. This value is compared to the Victory Values to determine the victory level. If the Total Points is less than the Major Defeat value, then the First Side suffers a Major Defeat. If the Total Points is greater than the Major Defeat value but less than the Minor Defeat value, then the First Side suffers a Minor Defeat. If the Total Points is greater than the Minor Defeat value but less than the Minor Victory level, then the battle has resulted in a Draw for both sides. If the Total Points is greater than the Minor Victory value, but less than the Major Victory level, then the First Side has won a Minor Victory. Finally, if the Total Points is greater than the Major Victory value, then the First Side has won a Major Victory.
If the Optional Rule awarding Victory Points for Leader Casualties is selected in the current battle, then these points are included in the Losses display and included in the calculation for Total Points. The points assigned for a Leader Casualty are calculated as follows:
• The Leader’s Command value is converted into a numeric value using the assignment A = 6, B = 5, …, F = 1.
• To this value, the Leader’s Leadership value is added using the same numeric assignment.
• Depending on the command level of the Leader, the value is multiplied by a factor:
Army Leader; Factor = 4
Corps Leader; Factor = 3
Division Leader; Factor = 2
Brigade Leader; Factor = 1 (no change)
• Finally, the value is modified according to how the Leader became a casualty:
Killed; No change
Wounded; Value is halved
Captured; Value is doubled
​​​hoping to return to it later, or to call it a Draw as a sign of camaraderie between Members.
At the end of the game its result should be registered at the DoR so the points can be distributed to the participants.
If the game does go the distance the end result will be reflected in the “Victory Dialog” box and the winner determined after the final turn is completed.
The Club Rules for the awarding of points for a completed game are: (I apologize in advance for the headache coming):
Normal games (identified as ‘Battles’) will receive base points equal to the sum of the Scenario Length Modifier (SLM), plus the Result Modifier (RM), plus 1 additional point for the winner. If two or more players join forces in a multi-player game, all involved will earn all points. (Points will not be divided among players of a side.) There is no limit to the number of Engagement Points an officer may earn in any given month.
a) Scenario Length Modifier (SLM) = Number of Completed Turns divided by Four (# Completed Turns / 4).
b) Result Modifier (RM) = (Number of Completed Turns times the Win/Loss Result (WLR)) divided by 100.
c) Win/Loss Result (WLR)
1) Draw = 0 points
2) Minor Victory = +1 point
3) Major Victory = +3 points
4) Minor Defeat = -1 point
5) Major Defeat = -3 points
d) Example: Calculation for a Major Victory after 30 completed turns.
1) Winner’s total = SLM (30 / 4) + RM ((30 * 3) / 100) + 1
or SLM (7.5) + RM (.9) + 1 = 9.4
2) Loser’s total = SLM (30 / 4) + RM ((30 * -3) / 100)
or SLM (7.5) + RM (-.9) = 6.6
Commentary: Gees. Bottom line is that the longer the game you play the more points you earn. A maneuver against a fellow Confederate earns you points as well but that convoluted calculation listed above is halved for maneuvers. The points awarded gap between losing and winning is also not as significant as you may imagine. This makes the outcome less important than the experience and fun of playing. Enjoy your games! Let the points take care of themselves over time.
At the conclusion of the game one participant should register the battle at the DoR. The points will be distributed to the participating players during the next DoR update.
For more information on using the DoR please see the articles dealing with that department directly.

Few games reach their actual time limit in the scenario before they come to an end. More often one player or the other will concede a defeat and the players will end the game at that point. If, as an example, your army is wrecked and you are simply not capable of continuing the battle with any aspect of redemption than you may want to resign at that point (like laying the King down in Chess). Almost all opponents will be sympathetic with your plight, having been there themselves undoubtedly, and graciously accept your surrender. On occasion one may be upset because they were having such a good time wiping the floor with you that they want it to continue. But this is a very rare circumstance. Usually when one player resigns the other will respect their decision and congratulate them on a battle fought honorably. There is no real proper etiquette for asking for an end to the game aside from emailing your opponent and telling them you have no choice but to capitulate to their forces. This results in a Major Victory for your opponent.
If you must resign from a game for any other reason (real-life issues) you should inform your opponent and expect to receive a Major Defeat as a result. Although I have noticed many players will offer to put the game on pause indefinitely,