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The ACWGC uses Officer Battle Dossier (OBD) points to determine rank in the Club. The OBD points are awarded for games played, Club administrative work, and other Club services rendered. These points are displayed and distributed at the DoR. 



3.3.2: Promotions from Lieutenant through Colonel are automatically done in the DoR.  The following are the requirements for ranks below brigadier general:

  • Cadet - (upon enrollment in Military Academy)

  • 1st Lieutenant/Field Lieutenant - 30 points (promoted to such upon graduation from the Military Academy)

  • Captain - 45 points

  • Major - 60 points 

  • Lieutenant Colonel - 75 points 

  • Colonel - 150 points 


3.3.3: General Officer promotions require only GinC approval after meeting the following criteria:

  • Brigadier General - 300 points 

  • Major General - 450 points; current role as DC, CC, AC, or Academy Commandant; CoS to either AC, GinC, or Academy Commandant

  • Lieutenant General - 600 points; current role as CC, AC, GinC, or Academy Commandant

  • General - 800 points; current role as AC, GinC, or Academy Commandant

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