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Registering a Game at the DoR



For your training maneuver with your instructor you are required to register your game at the Department of Records. The ACWGC uses the Department of Records (DoR), located at, to record games, distribute points, promote eligible officers, and more. Once your training is underway you will be given an account at the DoR in order to register the training battle. To do so you would follow these steps:


1. Go to the Department of Records website at





















2. You will then enter your username and password as sent to you by your instructor and/or the Commandant. Once logged in you will see the following set of options:















3. Before moving on take a brief moment to click on the bottom link “Instructions for Using This Site.” It will answer many questions you may have and will explain more about the DoR than you will read here. The DoR is an interesting place to explore if you ever have the time or inclination to do so.


4. For now though you will want to select option 1 at the top to Register a New Game on the DoR.


5. You will be taken to a new screen with a drop-down menu asking you which game you are currently playing. Click on the drop-down menu to select the game you are playing with your instructor.














6. After selecting your game you will see the following screen with a number of drop-down menus. You would select yourself as the CSA player (or USA player if applicable) in the scenario and then your instructor as the USA/CSA player. You would then select the scenario you are playing. Lastly, where it asks to select battle type, you will select “VMI Training” if you are a Confederate cadet. Obviously, Union cadets will select "West Point Training" instead of VMI Training. To finish registering the game you would then scroll ALL the way down to the bottom and hit “Submit”. 





























7. After submitting the game you will see a confirmation telling you the game has been added.













8. That’s all there is to it. Let your instructor know you have registered the game. For all future club games the procedure would be the same.


Note: The only time you would ever use “VMI Training/West Point Training” is this one instance. In the future all CSA vs USA member games are registered as Battles and all games between members on the same side are listed as Maneuvers. In future games with Members the Member who issues the challenge, generally, registers the game. But there is no set rule for this. Confer with your opponent about this and be sure only one of you registers the game. If a game is double-registered simply contact your Army Commander or a Member of the Cabinet to fix the issue.



Points Calculator


Want to know how many OBD points you will earn for a completed game? You can download our OBD Point Calculator here. As you will notice, the point difference between winning and losing is not as great as you might think. While we do reward the winner with a few more points, the underlying goal in the Club is to just have fun. 


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