Vicksburg Military Institute

Boboshko, Nikolai
Instructor: Caverly
Army of the Mississippi
Bruce, Robert
Instructor: Lawler
Army of Northern Virginia
Carter, Kris
Instructor: Roach
Army of Northern Virginia
Cartwright, Geoff
Instructor: Livingston
Army of Alabama
Conway, Ian
Instructor: Lawler
Army of Alabama
Davis, John
Instructor: Dragan
Army of Alabama
Erikson, Alan
Instructor: Dragan
Army of Alabama
Gandt, Michael
Instructor: Laabs
Army of Northern Virginia
Glisson, Rick
Instructor: Wadding
Army of Georgia
Haines, Harry
Instructor: Dragan
Army of the Mississippi
Hebert, Neal
Instructor: Wadding
Army of the Mississippi
Heinlen, Derek
Instructor: -
Army of Northern Virginia
Heneghan, John
Instructor: Caverly
Army of Northern Virginia
Hughes Jr., Waylon
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Georgia
Kuhlmann, Klaus
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Georgia
Lawler, Brian
Instructor: Wadding
Army of Northern Virginia
Livingston, Clay
Instructor: Whitehead
Army of Georgia
Magaw, Jeff
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Georgia
Magnus, Lars
Instructor: Caverly
Army of Georgia
Marx, Sascha
Instructor: Wadding
Army of the Mississippi
Massena, Roberto
Instructor: Livingston
Army of the Mississippi
Meyer, George
Instructor: Laabs
Army of Northern Virginia
Molina, Miguel
Instructor: Dragan
Army of Northern Virginia
Mora, Frederic
Instructor: Suarez
Army of Northern Virginia
Ozvat, Matthew
Instructor: Lawler
Army of Alabama
Pollard, Todd
Instructor: Harney
Army of Alabama
Swan, Prax
Instructor: Tisdale
Army of Georgia
Tarr, George
Instructor: Lawler
Army of Northern Virginia
Van Ravenswaay, Paul
Instructor: Harney
Army of Alabama
Wells, Mike*
Instructor: Wadding
Army of the Mississippi
Gary Caverly - Nick Kunz
Deputy Commandants:
John Newton
I have always done my duty. I am ready to die. My only regret is for the friends I leave behind me.
- Zachary Taylor
*Originally joined in 2001