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Vicksburg Military Institute





Baker, Alvin

Instructor: Tisdale

Army of Georgia


Belk, Jim

Instructor: Dragan

Army of Alabama


Bertrand, Bill

Instructor: Tisdale

Army of the Mississippi


Broadhead, James

Instructor: Wadding

Army of Alabama


Cook, Earle

Instructor: Caverly

Army of the Mississippi


Cunningham, Dwain

Instructor: Tisdale

Army of Alabama


Curtis, Michael

Instructor: Malone

Army of Georgia


DeStefano, Nick

Instructor: Harney

Army of the Mississippi


Dougherty, Clay

Instructor: Laabs

Army of Alabama


Evans, Graham

Instructor: Wadding

Army of Northern Virginia


Hardee, Robert

Instructor: Roach

Army of the Mississippi


Hovey, Allan

Instructor: Dragan

Army of Alabama


Klem, Bruce

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Alabama


Kreuels, Oliver

Instructor: Smith

Army of Alabama



Lauer, Michael

Instructor: Smith

Army of Northern Virginia


McClellan, Douglas

Instructor: Harney

Army of Georgia


Montoya, Camilo

Instructor: Smith

Army of Northern Virginia


Morresi, Roberto

Instructor: Dragan

Army of the Mississippi


Nielsen, Mark

Instructor: Bastiani

Army of Northern Virginia


Plewacki, Joseph

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Georgia


Pratt, Jeff

Instructor: Malone

Army of Northern Virginia


Purcell, Roy

Instructor: Wadding

Army of the Mississippi


Ransom, Matthew

Instructor: Rousell

Army of Northern Virginia


Real, Steve

Instructor: Tisdale

Army of Northern Virginia


Schmidt, Charles

Instructor: Caverly

Army of Northern Virginia


Sineath, Edwin

Instructor: Caverly

Army of Alabama


Smith, David R.

Instructor: Wadding

Army of Northern Virginia


Snow, Charles

Instructor: Rousell

Army of the Mississippi




Stokes, Bill

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Alabama


Thornton, Ed

Instructor: Caverly

Army of Georgia


Tietown, Peter

Instructor: Huels

Army of the Mississippi


Tisdale, Jon

Instructor: W. Tisdale

Army of Georgia


Travers, Ian

Instructor: Kunz

Army of the Mississippi


Truitt, Mark

Instructor: Harney

Army of Georgia


Vaccaro, Mark

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Georgia


Wayne, Thomas

Instructor: Wadding

Army of Alabama


Wight, Tom

Instructor: Kunz

Army of the Mississippi


Wilson, Robert

Instructor: Harney

Army of Georgia


Woodget, Kenyon

Instructor: Caverly

Army of Georgia


Young, Andrew

Instructor: Lynn

Army of Alabama


Zittino, Christopher

Instructor: Malone

Army of Alabama



Willie Tisdale - John Newton - Nick Kunz​


Deputy Commandants:

John Newton - Gary Caverly



When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty.

- Thomas Jefferson

Rebel Hall

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