Vicksburg Military Institute

Barker, Vincent
Instructor: Smith
Army of Alabama
Bas, Fatih
Instructor: Smith
Army of Alabama
Betlej, Krystian
Instructor: Kunz
Army of the Mississippi
Blair, Dale
Instructor: Lynn
Army of Alabama
Brammer, James
Instructor: Phillips
Army of Georgia
Caverly, Gary
Instructor: Laabs
Army of Georgia
Clark, Al
Instructor: Laabs
Army of Northern Virginia
Combs, Kevin
Instructor: Huels
Army of Northern Virginia
Drott, Hampus
Instructor: Dragan
Army of the Mississippi
Dudas, Liviu
Instructor: McGown
Army of the Mississippi
Garner, Jim
Instructor: Tisdale
Army of Alabama
Gerard, Charles-Jean
Instructor: Bastiani
Army of Northern Virginia
Hasenmueller, Goetz
Instructor: Phillips
Army of Alabama
Ingram, Art
Instructor: Bastiani
Army of the Mississippi
James, Laurie
Instructor: Phillips
Army of Northern Virginia
Kocher, Larry
Instructor: Harney
Army of Georgia
Luskin, Paul
Instructor: Tisdale
Army of the Mississippi
Maddy, Steve
Instructor: Caverly
Army of Northern Virginia
McOmish, Cameron
Instructor: Harney
Army of Georgia
Pagan, Franciso
Instructor: Bastiani
Army of Georgia
Robbe, Michael
Instructor: Tisdale
Army of Alabama
Rockwell, Greg
Instructor: Phillips
Army of Northern Virginia
Schofield, Gary
Instructor: Tisdale
Army of Northern Virginia
Sheppard, Daniel
Instructor: Phillips
Army of Georgia
Stepowski, Michael
Instructor: Tisdale
Army of Alabama
Taylor, Andy
Instructor: Tisdale
Army of Georgia
Triebel, Dustin
Instructor: Huels
Army of Georgia
Vandenhoogen, Scott
Instructor: Laabs
Army of Alabama
Welleman, Jan
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Alabama
Whitehead, James
Instructor: Laabs
Army of Northern Virginia
Gary Caverly - Nick Kunz​
Deputy Commandant:
John Newton
The war...must go on till the last man of this generation falls in his tracks...unless you acknowledge our right to self-government.
- Jefferson Davis