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Vicksburg Military Institute





Anderson, Michael

Instructor: Huels

Army of Georgia


Brook, James

Instructor: Dragan

Army of Georgia


Capella, Greg

Instructor: Wadding

Army of Georgia


Clawson, Scott

Instructor: Wadding

Army of Northern Virginia


Davey, Grant

Instructor: Strickler

Army of the Mississippi


Davis, Mark

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Alabama


Dodson, Sam 

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Alabama


Durand, Yvan

Instructor: Tisdale

Army of Alabama



Foster, James

Instructor: Smith

Army of the Mississippi


Heath, Ted

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Georgia


Jones, Brian

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Northern Virginia


McDowell, Stan

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Medeiros, Joe

Instructor: Kunz

Army of the Mississippi


Reed, Scott*

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Alabama


Ruiz, Marcos

Instructor: Harney

Army of Georgia



Sparks, Alan

Instructor: Smith

Army of Georgia


Strickler, Blake

Instructor: Laabs

Army of the Mississippi


Swan, Mark

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Georgia


Thomas, Neil

Instructor: Laabs

Army of Northern Virginia


Van Canegem, Karel

Instructor: Wadding

Army of the Mississippi


Verble, Keith

Instructor: Harney

Army of Alabama


Weathers Jr., James

Instructor: Smith

Army of Alabama




Waylon Hughes Jr. - Blake Strickler - Patrick Carroll


Deputy Commandants:

Neal Hebert - Mark Davis - Blake Strickler



A nation which does not remember what it was yesterday does not know where it is today.

- Robert E. Lee


*Originally joined in 2002

Rebel Hall

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