Vicksburg Military Institute

Areny, Daniel
Army of Georgia
Barton, David
Army of Northern Virginia
Bertolino, Lawrence
Army of the Mississippi
Bird, Emmette
Army of Georgia
Braddock, Bill
Army of Northern Virginia
Bramley, Vaughn
Army of Northern Virginia
Bramley, Trevor
Army of Northern Virginia
Brogden, John
Army of the Mississippi
Bruner, Tony
Army of Georgia
Cameron, Scott
Army of Northern Virginia
Carver, Ken
Army of Northern Virginia
Cole, Llyod
Army of Northern Virginia
Colgan, Greg
Army of the Mississippi
Collino, Mark
Army of the Mississippi
Coyle, Ian
Army of Northern Virginia
Currier, Philip
Army of the Mississippi
Erbe, Fred
Army of Alabama
Evans, Owen
Army of the Mississippi
Freedman, Shelton
Army of the Mississippi
Gambill, Patrick
Army of Northern Virginia
Graham, Calvin
Army of the Mississippi
Gray, David
Army of Northern Virginia
Green, Peter
Army of the Mississippi
Harney, Robert
Army of Georgia
Harris, Jack
Army of the Mississippi
Hewett, Stephen
Army of Georgia
Hively, Todd
Army of the Mississippi
Hulinsky, Roger
Army of the Mississippi
Hunt, Jeff
Army of Northern Virginia
Kibbey, Mark
Army of Alabama
Kiss, Cyrus
Army of Northern Virginia
Kline, Gregory
Army of the Mississippi
Lauzon, Armand
Army of the Mississippi
Levy, Russ
Army of Georgia
Lindley, John
Army of the Mississippi
Litton, David
Army of the Mississippi
Lubka, Terry
Army of Alabama
Luerding, John
Army of Alabama
Mallory, DW
Army of the Mississippi
Matysiak, Janek
Army of the Mississippi
Mihalik, Michael
Army of the Mississippi
Miller, Ken
Army of the Mississippi
Moffat, Randy
Army of Georgia
Munro, John
Army of Northern Virginia
Myers, Tom
Army of Georgia
Nix, Gene
Army of the Mississippi
Orlando, Sam
Army of Alabama
Park, Gordon
Army of the Mississippi
Peek, David
Army of the Mississippi
Powers, Phil
Army of Georgia
Remington, David
Army of Alabama
Reneau, Tim
Army of the Mississippi
Roda, Robert
Army of Alabama
Rodes, William
Army of Northern Virginia
Schulze, Christopher
Army of Georgia
Shannon, Stan
Army of Northern Virginia
Soukup, Chuck
Army of Alabama
Gary Cope - Rich Hamilton
We view ourselves on the eve of battle. We are nerved for the conquest and must conquer or perish.
- Sam Houston