Vicksburg Military Institute

Arnold, Dustin
Army of Northern Virginia
Cope, Gary
Army of Northern Virginia
Cushman, Nate
Army of Alabama
Deaton, Craig
Army of the Mississippi
Don, Peter
Army of the Mississippi
Due, Bryan
Army of Northern Virginia
Fife, Graham
Army of the Mississippi
FitzMaurice, Kyle
Army of Alabama
Frey, David
Army of Northern Virginia
Fuss, Mike
Army of the Mississippi
Galyean, Chris
Army of the Mississippi
Hamilton, Rich
Army of Northern Virginia
Hardy, John
Army of Northern Virginia
Johnson, Ken
Army of Alabama
Keller, Chris
Army of Northern Virginia
Kourounis, Nikos
Army of Alabama
Looby, John
Army of Northern Virginia
Lovelace, Charles
Army of Alabama
Martin, Rick
Army of Northern Virginia
Miller, Tim
Army of the Mississippi
Murphy, Dave
Army of the Mississippi
Rogers, Douglas
Army of the Mississippi
Toelle, Robert
Army of Georgia
Van Hoozer, Roger
Army of the Mississippi
White, Ray
Army of Northern Virginia
If you surrender you shall be treated as prisoners of war, but if I have to storm your works you may expect no quarter.
- Nathan Bedford Forrest