Vicksburg Military Institute

Ainsworth, Ian
Army of Georgia
Allen, Robert
Army of Alabama
Barrette, Joe
Army of Alabama
Bottos, Rob
Army of Georgia
Broom, Steve
Army of the Mississippi
Broyles, Don
Army of Alabama
Burns, Mike
Army of the Mississippi
Bynum, Charles
Army of Georgia
Carpiaux, Dale
Army of Alabama
Chambers, Ben
Army of the Mississippi
Conlan, Dwight
Army of Northern Virginia
Cuneo, Jon
Army of Alabama
Dunkerley, Pat
Army of Alabama
Fryer, Benjamin
Army of Georgia
Gennari, Marcello
Army of Alabama
Grad, Marcus
Army of Northern Virginia
Gray, Jeff
Army of Alabama
Green, William
Army of Northern Virginia
Hahn, Andreas
Army of Georgia
Hargreaves, Glynn
Army of Alabama
Hepner, Larry
Army of Alabama
Huels, Johann
Army of Georgia
Jamelli, Bob
Army of Alabama
Janssen, Mark
Army of Georgia
Jenkins, Gareth
Army of Alabama
Jensen, Gerald
Army of Northern Virginia
Kerns, David
Army of Georgia
Kerwick, Steve
Army of Alabama
Kurkimilis, Daniel
Army of Northern Virginia
Mathes, Jeff
Army of Alabama
Mayes, Kevin
Army of Georgia
McDaniel, Ross
Army of Georgia
Melbro, Claes
Army of Northern Virginia
Melton, Kevin
Army of Georgia
Methvin, Jeff
Army of Northern Virginia
Morelli, Gian
Army of Alabama
Morris, Craig
Army of Georgia
Moutin, Stephane
Army of the Mississippi
Nelson, Jerry
Army of the Mississippi
North, Don
Army of Alabama
Paccino, Michel
Army of Georgia
Peters, Bill
Army of Alabama
Peterson, Frank
Army of the Mississippi
Pinkham, Vern
Army of Alabama
Rietveld, Marco
Army of Alabama
Roberts, Adrian
Army of Alabama
Roland, Steve
Army of Alabama
Sharpe, Justin
Army of Georgia
Simms, Ned
Army of Alabama
Smith, Paul
Army of Georgia
Spinali, Joseph
Army of Georgia
Squair, Phil
Army of Northern Virginia
Staccioli, Alessandro
Army of Georgia
Stapleton, Paul
Army of Alabama
Staton, Keith
Army of Alabama
Stewart, William
Army of Georgia
Stiles, Stewart
Army of the Mississippi
Stoklosa, Paul
Army of Georgia
Taylor, Alan
Army of Georgia
Taylor, Brad
Army of Northern Virginia
Taylor, Ed
Army of Alabama
Thayer, Jon
Army of Northern Virginia
Truitt, Roger
Army of Northern Virginia
Vicks, Caleb
Army of Georgia
von Steuben, Alexander
Army of Georgia
Walker, Patrick
Army of Alabama
Weber, Richard
Army of Northern Virginia
Wells, Jerry
Army of Georgia
Wharton, Max
Army of Georgia
Zupancic, Dejan
Army of Alabama
Zvolensky, Martin
Army of Alabama
Philip Jones - Jim Thomas - Bill Braddock​
Do your duty and leave the rest to Providence.
- Thomas J. Jackson