The ACWGC's 2023
Tournament Schedule
The tournament schedule is as follows:
Stonewall at Gettysburg Challenge –
January 1 to December 31 – Gettysburg Scenarios
Vicksburg Challenge –
March 1 to July 31 – Vicksburg Scenarios
Shenandoah Challenge (Jackson) –
June 1 to August 31 – Shenandoah Scenarios
Shenandoah Challenge (Sheridan) –
September 1 to November 30 – Shenandoah Scenarios

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The Stonewall at Gettysburg Challenge will feature an alternate history version of the Battle of Gettysburg. This 156-turn scenario will finally answer the question of "what if Stonewall Jackson was at Gettysburg?"
Each battle will be between a Union and Confederate Member of the Club. There are no Major or Minor Victories. Each game will be either a Victory, a Defeat, or a Draw. For more information on the specific rules please see the Rules page.
Registration Period: December 1 - December 26, 2022
Challenge Dates: January 1 - December 31, 2023
Vicksburg Challenge

The Vicksburg Challenge will feature three Vicksburg scenarios of varying length to choose from. Participants may select to play in one, two, or all three scenarios.
Each battle will be between a Union and Confederate Member of the Club. There are no Major or Minor Victories. Each game will be either a Victory, a Defeat, or a Draw. For more information on the specific rules please see the Rules page.
Registration Period: February 1 - February 25, 2023
Challenge Dates: March 1 - July 31, 2023
Shenandoah 1862 Challenge (Jackson)

The Shenandoah Challenge (Jackson) will feature three different scenarios to play from the 1862 Shenandoah Campaign. Each scenario will be 30 turns or fewer in length. Participants may select to play in one, two, or all three scenarios.
Each battle will be between a Union and Confederate Member of the Club. There are no Major or Minor Victories. Each game will be either a Victory, a Defeat, or a Draw. For more information on the specific rules please see the Rules page.
Registration Period: May 1 - May 25, 2023
Challenge Dates: June 1 - August 31, 2023
Shenandoah 1864 Challenge (Sheridan)

The Shenandoah Challenge (Sheridan) will feature three different scenarios to play from 1864 Shenandoah Campaign. Each scenario will be 30 turns or fewer in length. Participants may select to play in one, two, or all three scenarios.
Each battle will be between a Union and Confederate Member of the Club. There are no Major or Minor Victories. Each game will be either a Victory, a Defeat, or a Draw. For more information on the specific rules please see the Rules page.
Registration Period: August 1 - August 25, 2023
Challenge Dates: September 1 - November 30, 2023