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Vicksburg Military Institute





Allton, Kirk

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Tennessee


Colwell, Chris

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Northern Virginia


Davies, Colin

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Tennessee


Davis, Garrett

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Northern Virginia


Eisele, Richard

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Northern Virginia


Faber, Chiel

Instructor: Strickler

Army of the Mississippi


Griffith, Steve

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Hemer, Mike

Instructor: Ren

Army of Tennessee



Houghtaling, Gary

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Jansen, Josh

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Tennessee


Johnson, Michael

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Jones, Philip

Instructor: Ren

Army of Tennessee


Kelly, Lynn

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Tennessee


Kesson, John

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Tennessee


Knapp, Tyler

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Lane, Chris

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Tennessee



Pandragon, Isheach

Instructor: Ren

Army of Tennessee


Preston, Buck

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Northern Virginia


Ren, Ashdoll

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Tennessee


Spangler, Martin

Instructor: Ren

Army of Northern Virginia


Spencer, Dave

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Stewart, William

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Treuting, William

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Northern Virginia


van Nix, Steffen

Instructor: Swanson

Army of Tennessee




Nick Kunz


Deputy Commandant:

Blake Strickler



As we are now engaged in this contest, all my wishes, all my desires and all the energies of my hand and heart will be given to the cause of my state.

- Jubal Early

Rebel Hall

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