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Vicksburg Military Institute





Allaway, Paul

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Tennessee


Amling, Carl

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Tennessee


Castro, Dan

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Northern Virginia


Christian, Keith

Instructor: Blackburn

Army of Northern Virginia


Dumas-Grégoire, David

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Northern Virginia


Holt, Denny

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Jackson, Eric

Instructor: Blackburn

Army of Tennessee


Krolikowski, Aleksander

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Northern Virginia



Lanuza, Luis

Instructor: Blackburn

Army of Northern Virginia


Marshall, Thomas

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Tennessee


McSwain, Tex

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Tennessee


Russett, Robert

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Tennessee


Seidl, Josef

Instructor: Blackburn

Army of Northern Virginia


Shi, Edwin

Instructor: Blackburn

Army of Northern Virginia


Smith, Lyle

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Northern Virginia


Snelgrove, Andrew

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia



Steele, Pete

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Northern Virginia


Struder, Ray

Instructor: Blackburn

Army of Tennessee


Swanson, Paul

Instructor: Strickler

Army of Northern Virginia


Terhune, Mike

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Northern Virginia


Wang, Alexander

Instructor: Kunz

Army of Northern Virginia


Wessling, Andreas

Instructor: Blackburn

Army of Northern Virginia






Nick Kunz


Deputy Commandant:

Blake Strickler



Believe that you can whip the enemy, and you have won half the battle.

- J.E.B. Stuart

Rebel Hall

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