Nathan Bedford Forrest Medal

The Nathan Bedford Forrest Medal is a retired Confederate Medal that was used from 2006 - 2021.
Awarded by the General in Chief.
Awarded to officers achieving a victory over a Union opponent in a
campaign as approved by the ACWGC Cabinet.
This medal carries 10 OBD points.
Adams, Mark
Barnard, Gregory
Barrett, Steve
Beacco, Giorgio (3)
Blair, Dale
Busey, Robert (2)
Carpiaux, Dale
Coma, Carley
Cuneo, Jon
Cunningham, Dwain
Davis, Mark
DeStefano, Nick
Dragan, John (9)
Evans, Owen
Garner, Jim
Hagerty, Mike (2)
Hovey, Allan
Kitchen, Steve (10)
Laabs, Mike
Lajoie, Harold
Ludwig, Scott
Mallory, DW
McOmish, Cameron
Miller, Tim (4)
Moore, Tom
Niedzielski, Przemek
Phillips, Tom
Schofield, Gary
Smiley, David
Stiles, Stewart
Strickler, Blake
Taylor, Andy
Thomas, Neil (2)
Tisdale, Willie
Vannada, Kerry (3)
Wadding, Adam
Welleman, Jan