A.P. Hill Medal

The A.P. Hill Medal is a retired Confederate Medal that was used from 2006 - 2021.
Awarded by the General in Chief or Theater Commanders.
Awarded to division commanders displaying outstanding service and dedication.
This medal carries no OBD points.
Barnard, Gregory
Bastiani, Gery (2)
Beyersdorf, Tony
Blackburn, Ed
Bonferroni, Carlo (7)
Broyles, Don
Busey, Robert (7)
Campderros, Jaume
Cole, Lloyd
Conlan, Dwight (2)
Crawford, mark (2)
DeStefano, Nick
Donlon, Steven
Dragan, John (7)
Gandt, Michael (3)
Garner, Jim (2)
Hagerty, Mike
Harney, Robert
Hebert, Neal (3)
Hulinsky, Roger
Isgro, Tim (14)
Klem, Bruce (8)
Krenek, Gary (15)
Laabs, Mike (4)
Lajoie, Harold
Ludwig, Scott
Lynn, Alan
Mallory, DW
Matthews, Clinton (6)
McGown, David (2)
Mihalik, Michael
Mills, Larry (2)
Moore, John (6)
Mossier, Patrick (6)
Noftz, Celamanka (3)
Phillips, Tom
Rietveld, Marco (9)
Seidl, Josef
Sheppard, Daniel
Siragusa, Paul (10)
Smith, Hank
Strickler, Blake
Taylor, Andy
Thomas, Neil (6)
Thornton, Ed
Turner, Sean
Vaccaro, Marc
Vannada, Kerry (14)
Wadding, Adam (9)
White, Richard (5)
Wilson, Robert
Zodda, Rudy