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General Orders of the

Army of Northern Virginia


General Order #1: Army Organization

1. The Army of Northern Virginia will contain two corps.

       A. The First Corps

              i. First Corps will contain four divisions.

                     a. Each division will have one divisional commander.

                     b. Each division will have a minimum of four brigade commanders and a maximum of nine.

                     c. Should a division fall below that strength (4) they will be consolidated into another division in the Corps.

       B. The Second Corps

              ii. Second Corps will contain four divisions.

                     a. Each division will have one divisional commander.

                     b. Each division will have a minimum of four brigade commanders and a maximum of nine.

                     c. Should a division fall below that strength (4) they will be consolidated into another division in the Corps.


2. The Army of Northern Virginia may contain one Chief of Staff (CoS).

       A. The CoS will serve at the pleasure of the Army commander.


3. The Army of Northern Virginia will be commanded by a singular Army Commander (AC).

       A. The AC serves at the pleasure of the General in Chief and answers directly to that office.


General Order #2: Mustering

1. Mustering will take place monthly for all Members of the Army of Northern Virginia.

       A. Mustering will be done via the Department of Records (DoR) starting on the first of each month.

       B. Before the 5th of each month the Army Commander will send a general notice to the members of the Army to muster, along with                 the link to the DoR to do so.

       C. The Army Commander will send a second notice to muster to only those officers failing to do so by the 20th of the month.

       D. Any officer posting in the DoR will be considered present for the month. 

       E. Officers failing to muster will be marked as absent for the month and not receive any OBD admin or conduct points.


2. Members who have not mustered for three consecutive months will be placed in the Hospital for one month.

       A. Members who fail to muster for a fourth consecutive month will be Discharged from the ANV and the ACWGC.


3. Any officer of the army may contact the Army Commander and request a Leave of Absence (LoA) at any time and for any reason.

       A. All LoA requests will be granted.

       B. LoA’s will be set for an agreed upon time period.

       C. At the expiration of that period the Army Commander will seek to re-establish contact with the member and invite them to rejoin the             active ranks.

       D. Officers failing to respond to the Army Commander after the expiration of their LoA will be placed in the hospital for one month.

       E. Officers failing to respond to a final call while in the hospital will be discharged from the ANV and the ACWGC.


3. The AC may make individual exceptions for mustering requirements at his discretion (answerable to the GinC).


General Order #3: Conduct and Admin Point Distributions

All conduct and admin points will be determined on a monthly basis to qualifying officers.


1. BC’s will receive 2 conduct OBD points per month for mustering in the MDT.


2. DC’s will receive up to 5 admin OBD points per month based on the following criteria:

       A. Has mustered in the DoR for the month.

       B. Has greeted any new members to their Division via email. If no new member has been assigned this is disregarded


3. CC’s will receive up to 10 admin OBD points per month based on the following criteria:

       A. Has mustered in the DoR for the month.

       B. Has greeted any new members to their Corps via email. If no new member has been assigned this is disregarded

       C. CC's are urged to work with newer Corps members as they transition into the Club to be sure they are finding opponents and                       understanding the Club's culture.


4. AC CoS will receive up to 5 admin OBD points per month based on the following criteria:

       A. Has mustered in the DoR for the month.

       B. Undertakes tasks assigned them by the AC.


5. The AC can receive up to 15 admin OBD points per month (as determined by his superior officer). The expectations you should have for your army commander are as follows:​

       A. Has mustered in the DoR for the month.

       B. That he faithfully undertakes tasks assigned him by the CoA

       C. That he has maintained, updated, and secured the army’s records and files.

       D. That he has greeted new army members.

       E. That he has emailed and sought out members in jeopardy of being dismissed due to absence.

       F. That he is posting actively in the MDT.


6. Points will be distributed in the Department of Records quarterly by the Army Commander, the Chief of Staff, or other Confederate official as selected by the Army Commander or General in Chief.


General Order #4: Army General Staff

Officers above the BC level are expected to put the needs of the BCs above their own and respond to any and all emails sent to them in a timely and respectful manner.


1. The Army of Northern Virginia will always seek to promote internally our best candidates to positions above the BC level.

       A. Any officer interested in holding a command position in the army should contact their immediate superior, the Chief of Staff and/or               the Army Commander directly.

       B. Any officers at the rank of Captain or above may seek and/or hold a command above the BC level.


2. Should any division be without a commander for more than 30 days the division will be led by the senior BC in the division by default.

       A. Any such appointments are considered temporary, and the DC will not be required to take on extra duties.


3. Should any corps be without a commander for more than 30 days the corps will be led by the senior DC in the corps by default.

       A. Any such appointments are considered temporary, and the DC will not be required to take on extra duties.


4. Officers holding a DC, CC, or CoS position may asked to be relieved at any time and for any reason.

       A. All requests to relinquish one’s command should be made to the Army Commander directly.

       B. All requests will be granted.


5. Officers holding a DC, CC, or CoS position may be removed from command involuntarily.

       A. Failure to consistently meet minimum expectations may result in an officer being asked to step down from their position. This                       includes the failure to properly respond to subordinates or superiors in a timely or respectful manner.

       B. Any action deemed detrimental to the honor of the Army of Northern Virginia may result in an officer being asked to step down from             their position.

       C. Any dispute over such issues will be heard by the General in Chief.


General Order #5: Army Medals

The Army of Northern Virginia contains the following medals and the criteria for winning such awards:


1. The Stonewall Jackson Medal: “Awarded by the Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. Awarded to any Army officer who displays      exceptional spirit and enthusiasm. This medal carries 10 Conduct OBD points and may be awarded five times per officer.”


2. The War Horse Medal: “Awarded by the Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. Awarded to an officer for each time they                    accumulate 1,000 battle only OBD points against Union officers. This Medal carries no OBD points.”


General Order #6: Promotions

Every member of the ACWGC, and the Army of Northern Virginia, are eligible for automated promotions in the Department of Records “Field Promotions” area. All promotions above the rank of Colonel require a Cabinet vote to confer the rank upon the officer. There can be temporary delays in promotion above the BC level due to Cabinet Promotion Meetings which are usually held just once a month.


Officers reaching the appropriate OBD point total, and holding the appropriate hierarchical position within the army, will be eligible for promotion above the rank of brigadier general. The Army Commander will know when officers reach their required OBD point totals for promotion and will put their name forward for promotion to the General in Chief in the next monthly report.


1. Officers holding the position of DC are eligible for promotion to the rank of Major General per Club Rules.


2. Officers holding the position of CC are eligible for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant General per Club Rules.


3. Officers holding the position of CoS are eligible for promotion to the rank of Major General per Club Rules.


General Order #7: The Army of Northern Virginia Website

Every army in the ACWGC is encouraged to have a website to promote their army, add espirit de corps, and to showcase their best features and triumphs. Website building and maintenance is NOT an expected role of any officer in the ANV. It is not required, on any level, that a member be asked to learn such a task. Nonetheless, it is expected that the army will have a website at all times.


1. The AC and CoA are responsible for making sure a suitable ACWGC website administrator is found and charged with the maintenance        of the ANV website.

2. The website admin may be any member of the ACWGC entrusted to upkeep the site.

3. If no administrator can be found, or a website is no longer available, the Army will conduct business in the Clump of Trees Tavern on the      ACWGC Forums.


General Orders

Updated 12/30/22

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