Vicksburg Military Institute

Arnold, Bo
Instructor: McGown
Army of Alabama
Barber, Tom
Instructor: Arnold
Army of Alabama
Berli, Ola
Instructor: Huels
Army of Alabama
Brown, Larenzo
Instructor: Arnold
Army of Northern Virginia
Conner, Jeff
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Alabama
Crawford, Mark
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Georgia
Daley, Russ
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Northern Virginia
Dell, Peter
Instructor: Harney
Army of Georgia
Denner, Boyd
Instructor: McBride
Army of Northern Virginia
Dunn, Peter
Instructor: Levy
Army of Georgia
Dyson, Paul
Instructor: Zapp
Army of Georgia
Fisher, Lewis
Instructor: Arnold
Army of Alabama
Ford, Matt
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Alabama
Gebert, Mike
Instructor: Zapp
Army of the Mississippi
Isgro, Tim
Instructor: Huels
Army of Georgia
Johnson, Paul
Instructor: Levy
Army of Georgia
Keys, Bill
Instructor: Smith
Army of the Mississippi
Krenek, Gary
Instructor: Arnold
Army of Northern Virginia
Lajoie, Harold
Instructor: Harney
Army of the Mississippi
Lateur, Frank
Instructor: Huels
Army of the Mississippi
Leotowski, William
Instructor: Harney
Army of the Mississippi
Malone, Michael
Instructor: Bonachia
Army of Alabama
Mills, Larry
Instructor: Harney
Army of Georgia
Nardi, Al
Instructor: Zapp
Army of Georgia
Naujoks, Andreas
Instructor: Levy
Army of Northern Virginia
Navarro, Sergio
Instructor: Bonachia
Army of Alabama
Niedzielski, Przemek
Instructor: Huels
Army of the Mississippi
Phillips, J. Brian
Instructor: Huels
Army of Northern Virginia
Reeves, Jason
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Georgia
Riley, Robert
Instructor: McGown
Army of Northern Virginia
Rolland, Fausto
Instructor: McGown
Army of Alabama
Schriener, Ed
Instructor: Zapp
Army of Northern Virginia
Scott, Terry
Instructor: McGown
Army of Northern Virginia
Shrum, William
Instructor: McGown
Army of the Mississippi
Smith, D.H.
Instructor: Kunz
Army of Alabama
Suarez, Emilio
Instructor: Bonachia
Army of Alabama
Vail, Chadd
Instructor: Levy
Army of Northern Virginia
Walker, Rich
Instructor: Huels
Army of the Mississippi
Dustin Arnold - Nick Kunz​
Deputy Commandant:
Dan Smith
Shall a dominant party of the North rule the South, or shall the people of the South rule themselves. This is the great matter in controversy.
- Robert Barnwell Rhett