Vicksburg Military Institute

Adams, Don
Instructor: Malone
Army of Northern Virginia
Anderson, Ray
Instructor: Huels
Army of the Mississippi
Barrett, Steve
Instructor: Laabs
Army of Alabama
Bartolucci, Ugo
Instructor: Kerns
Army of Alabama
Birch, Jonathon
Instructor: Gray
Army of Alabama
Bird, Ryan
Instructor: Levy
Army of Georgia
Bova, Anthony
Instructor: Arnold
Army of Northern Virginia
Campderros, Jaume
Instructor: Bonachia
Army of Northern Virginia
Caperton, Troy
Instructor: Kerwick
Army of Georgia
Cieslak, James
Instructor: Cope
Army of Northern Virginia
Cross, Chris
Instructor: Kerns
Army of Alabama
daCruz, Juan Pablo
Instructor: -
Army of Northern Virginia
Dancer, Terry
Instructor: Huels
Army of Alabama
Daniel, Bert
Instructor: Arnold
Army of the Mississippi
Dawson, Peter
Instructor: Malone
Army of Alabama
Dersin, Brandon
Instructor: Arnold
Army of Georgia
Donlon, Steven
Instructor: Harney
Army of Northern Virginia
Easom, John
Instructor: Rousell
Army of the Mississippi
Fulwell, Ron
Instructor: Levy
Army of Georgia
Goodman, Bill
Instructor: -
Army of Northern Virginia
Gray, Howie
Instructor: Gray
Army of Northern Virginia
Hall, Jim
Instructor: Gray
Army of Alabama
Hayes, Andrew
Instructor: -
Army of Alabama
Hayes, Patrick
Instructor: -
Army of Alabama
Haynes, James
Instructor: Malone
Army of Alabama
Herndon, Don
Instructor: Kerns
Army of Georgia
Hinkle, Rob
Instructor: Arnold
Army of Alabama
Howie, Graham
Instructor: -
Army of Alabama
Karlen, Jonas
Instructor: Levy
Army of Georgia
Kendall, David
Instructor: Levy
Army of Northern Virginia
Kiley, John
Instructor: -
Army of Georgia
Laiseka, Diego
Instructor: Levy
Army of Georgia
Lindstrum, Magnus
Instructor: Harney
Army of the Mississippi
Link, Richard
Instructor: Harney
Army of Georgia
Longstreet, John
Instructor: Cope
Army of Georgia
MacLean, Rick
Instructor: Harney
Army of Northern Virginia
Mary, Marcel
Instructor: Huels
Army of Northern Virginia
McAleenan, Charles
Instructor: Arnold
Army of Northern Virginia
McCarthy, Sean
Instructor: Conlan
Army of Gareogia
Meyertholen, Ed
Instructor: Cope
Army of Alabama
Milke, Louis
Instructor: Cope
Army of Northern Virginia
Minnella, Sal
Instructor: Levy
Army of Northern Virginia
Mooney, Chris
Instructor: Graham
Army of Georgia
Morris, Randy
Instructor: Cope
Army of Northern Virginia
Mossier, Patrick
Instructor: Rousell
Army of Alabama
Mournier, Lionel
Instructor: Huels
Army of Alabama
Murphy, Dan
Instructor: Levy
Army of Georgia
North, Fletcher
Instructor: Conlan
Army of Georgia
O'Neill, Jim
Instructor: Conlan
Army of Northern Virginia
Payne, Kevin
Instructor: Conlan
Army of Northern Virginia
Pinto, Pedro
Instructor: Levy
Army of Northern Virginia
Purnell, Phil
Instructor: Malone
Army of Alabama
Ross, Jeff
Instructor: Harney
Army of the Mississippi
Sararduy, Miheal Bocka
Instructor: -
Army of the Mississippi
Scorpius, Lex
Instructor: Cope
Army of Alabama
Seibel, Peter
Instructor: Huels
Army of Alabama
Smith, Hank
Instructor: Seibel
Army of Georgia
Snoek, Erik
Instructor: Rousell
Army of Alabama
Snyder, John
Instructor: Park
Army of the Mississippi
Stakelbeck, Ronald
Instructor: Malone
Army of the Mississippi
Stewart, Will
Instructor: Seibel
Army of Alabama
Stotsenburgh, David
Instructor: Cope
Army of Northern Virginia
Stout, Mark
Instructor: Harney
Army of Georgia​
Strickler, Douglas
Instructor: Gray
Army of the Mississippi
Strycharz, John
Instructor: Malone
Army of Northern Virginia
Sweeting, Andrew
Instructor: Rousell
Army of Alabama
Terrington, Steve
Instructor: Conlan
Army of the Mississippi
Thomas, Kevan
Instructor: Cope
Army of Georgia
Titchen, Judson
Instructor: Conlan
Army of Alabama
Todaro, Corey
Instructor: Cope
Army of Northern Virginia
Trent, Robert
Instructor: Cope
Army of Northern Virginia
Ubaldi, Isacco
Instructor: -
Army of Northern Virginia
van Mourik, Gerrit
Instructor: Gray
Army of the Mississippi
Vaughn, William
Instructor: Levy
Army of Georgia
Vernon, Charles
Instructor: Conlan
Army of Georgia
Wadding, Adam
Instructor: Levy
Army of Alabama
Watts, Ted
Instructor: Kerns
Army of the Mississippi
Weir, Robert
Instructor: Levy
Army of Alabama
Zambrano, Antonio
Instructor: Cope
Army of Alabama
Zodda, Rudy
Instructor: Levy
Army of Northern Virginia
Garry Cope​
I would rather die a thousand deaths than betray a friend or be false to duty.
- Sam Davis