Stonewall Jackson Medal

The Stonewall Jackson Medal is a retired Confederate Medal that was used from 2007 - 2021.
Awarded by the General in Chief.
Awarded for distinguished service as authorized by the General in Chief.
This medal carries 20 OBD points.
Blackburn, Ed
Campderros, Jaume (5)
Cuneo, Jon
Demere, Alphonse (5)
Dragan, John (10)
Dunkerley, Pat
Evans, Owen (2)
Garner, Jim (4)
Hamby, Marshall
Harney, Robert (2)
Hebert, Neal
Hovey, Allen (5)
Jensen, Gerald
Kitchen, Steve (8)
Klem, Bruce
Krenek, Gary (3)
Kunz, Nicholas
Lajoie, Harold
Medeiros, Joe (7)
Mills, Larry
Rousell, Ian
Schmidt, Charles
Siragusa, Paul (2)
Stiles, Stewart
Strickler, Blake
Swan, Prax (3)
Thomas, Neil
Wayne, Thomas
Weir, Robert (8)
Welleman, Jan
Whitehead, Kennon
Wilson, Robert