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Samuel Cooper Medal



The Samuel Cooper Medal is a retired Confederate Medal that was used from 2006 - 2021.


Awarded by the General in Chief, Theater Commanders, or VMI Commandant.

Awarded to officers displaying outstanding long-term service to the CSA.

This medal carries no OBD points.



Adams, Don

Adams, Mark

Barnard, Gregory

Bassoitti, Luciano

Beacco, Giorgio (2)

Beyersdorf, Tony (2)

Bird, Emmette

Blackburn, Ed

Boffi, Giovanni

Boustouler, Andrew (2)

Brown, Rick

Broyles, Don

Burdulis, Mike

Burns, Mike (2)

Busey, Robert (3)

Campderros, Jaume (6)

Ciampoli, Stefano

Cole, Lloyd

Carley, Coma

Conlan, Dwight (2)

Crawford, Mark (2)

Cuneo, Jon (2)

Cunningham, Dwain (2)

David, Greg

Dehoff, Tom (2)

Demere, Alphonse (7)

Denner, Boyd 

Dodge, Russ (2)

Donlon, Steven 

Dragan, John (10)


Dudas, Liviu

Evans, Owen (2)

Field, Rob

Fisher, Lewis

Gandt, Michael (2)

Garner, Jim (3)

Goode, David (2)

Goodman, Bill

Hagerty, Mike

Hamilton, Richard (2)

Harney, Robert (3)

Hebert, Neal (2)

Hollevoet, Patrick

Hovey, Allan

Hulinsky, Roger (2)

Isgro, Tim (3)

Jensen, Gerald (2)

Kitchen, Steve (7)

Klem, Bruce (3)

Krenek, Gary (3)

Kunz, Nicholas (5)

Kurkmilis, Daniel

Laabs, mike (2)

Lajoie, Harold

Lastowicka, Dale (2)

Levy, Russ

Longmire, Russell

Ludwig, Scott (2)

Lynn, Alan

Mallory, DW (2)


Malone, Tony

Marsh, Zach

Matthews, Clinton

McGown, David

McOmish, Cameron (4)

Mihalik, Michael

Miller, Tim

Miller, David (3)

Mills, Larry

Moore, John (2)

Moore, Tom (2)

Moser, David

Mossier, Patrick (5)

Newton, John

Nix, Gene

Noftz, Celamanka (2)

Peek, David (2)

Phillips, Tom (2)

Pinkham, Vern (4)

Ray, David

Reneau, Tim (3)

Rietveld, Marco (4)

Rosell, Dane

Schmidt, Charles

Schofield, Gary (2)

Sheppard, Daniel

Siragusa, Paul (2)

Smith, Paul (2)

Staccioli, Alessandro (2)

Stiles, Stewart (7)

Strickler, Blake

Swan, Prax (2)

Tarr, George (2)

Taylor, Andy (3)

Thayer, Jon (2)

Thomas, Neil (2)

Thornton, Ed

Tisdale, Willie (3)

Turner, Sean

Vaccaro, Marc

Vannada, Kerry (4)

Wadding, Adam (2)

Walker, Rich

Wayne, Thomas

Weir, Robert (8)

Welleman, Jan

White, Richard (3)

Whitehead, Kennon (4)

Whitehead, James (2)

Wilson, Robert

Zupancic, Dejan (2)



Rebel Hall

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