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Jefferson Davis Medal



The Jefferson Davis Medal has been in use since 2003.


Awarded by the General in Chief.

Awarded for 'service above and beyond the call of duty' for the CSA.

This medal carries 10 Conduct OBD points.



Allaway, Paul

Barrett, Steve

Beacco, Giorgio (2)

Beyersdorf, Tony (2)

Bird, Emmette

Blackburn, Ed

Blair, Dale

Boffi, Giovanni

Boustouler, Andrew (2)

Brown, Rick

Burns, Mike (2)

Burton, Kevin

Busey, Robert (2)

Campderros, Jaume (6)

Castro, Dan

Ciampoli, Stefano (2)

Coma, Carley

Cunningham, Dwain (2)

Davis, Greg

Dehoff, Tom

Demere, Alphonse (6)

Dodge, Russ (2)

Donlon, Steven

Dragan, John (10)

Dudas, Liviu

Edens, Fred 

Evans, Owen (2)

Gandt, Michael

Garner, Jim (3)


Glisson, Rick

Goode, David (2)

Goodman, Bill

Hamilton, Richard

Hardee, Robert

Harney, Robert (2)

Hebert, Neal

Hively, Todd

Hollevoet, Patrick (2)

Holt, Denny

Hovey, Allan

Isgro, Tim (2)

Jensen, Gerald (2)

Kesson, John

Kitchen, Steve (7)

Klem, Bruce (2)

Krenek, Gary (2)

Krolikowski, Aleksander (2)

Kunz, Nicholas (3)

Laabs, Mike

Lajoie, harold

Lanuza, Luis

Lastowicka, Dale

Levy, Russ

Longmire, Russell

Marsh, Zach (2)

Marshall, Thomas

Matthews, Clinton

McEntegart, Karl

McOmish, Cameron (4)


McSwain, Tex

Medeiros, Joe

Mihalik, Michael (2)

Miller, Tim (2)

Miller, David (3)

Mills, Larry

Moore, John

Moore, Tom

Moser, David

Mossier, Patrick (2)

Newton, John

Nix, Gene

Peek, David

Pinkham, Vern

Ren, Ashdoll (2)

Reneau, Tim (2)

Rietveld, Marco (2)

Rosell, Dane

Ruiz, Miguel

Schmidt, Charles (3)

Schofield, Gary (2)

Seidl, Josef (2)

Shi, Edwin

Siragusa, Paul (2)

Smith, D.H.

Smith, Lyle

Smith, Paul

Staccioli, Alessandro (2)

Steele, Pete

Stiles, Stewart (2)



Strickler, Blake (2)

Swan, Prax

Swanson, Paul

Tarr, George (2)

Taylor, Andy (2)

Terhune, Mike

Thayer, jon

Tisdale, Willie

Turner, Sean

Vannada, Kerry (2)

Vicks, Caleb

Wadding, Adam

Walker, Rich

Wayne, Thomas (2)

Weir, Robert (7)

Welleman, Jan

Wessling, Andreas

White, Richard (2)

Whitehead, Kennon (2)

Whitehead, James (2)

Wilson, Robert

Zupancic, Dejan



Rebel Hall

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